Just because I love my girl SO much we just set up her new kitchen. She's dancing around and cooking up a storm. Perhaps it's her lack of greed or request for things that made me want to buy it for her today. I knew the joy and fun it would bring her since it's the first thing she goes to at friend's houses. We needed something compact and this fit the bill perfectly It was on sale, it was pink and it makes my girl smile.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Just Because
Sunday, March 22, 2009
All good things (weekends) must come to an end
(at least until next weekend)
Emme and I shared another great day with Ra-Ra and his parents along with his brother and neighbors/friends who came to hang with Emme. We enjoyed a lovely home cooked meal, more bubble time in the backyard and the incident known as "Mommy dere a dog oda there" as she took off at full speed toward the aforementioned neighbors fence. She loves dogs but she is cautious. Noggin does a nice job of teaching young children about proper interactions with dogs you know and don't know. We blew more bubbles, ran around, took Em to the Rockland Bakery where she gets a brown paper bag and we pick out what we'd like from either the belts or the racks. Today was a mandlebread and challah roll kind of day for us. After dinner, Emme rocked out to a Kiss concert on the big screen (video to follow) and enjoyed time with the special people in her life. Some pics from the day. Look for the dog.
Boots, Bubbles and BBQ
The traveling trio enjoyed a day at a Connecticut state park, running around, blowing bubbles and having a good time on a spring-like day. Afterward we had a great dinner at a favorite restaurant where Emme got to meet the chef/owner for the first time. She told him everything was MMMMMMMMM good as she rubbed her belly. A good time was had by all!
Random Shots
Just to catch up a little, a few shots from the past 2 weeks. Emme's quintessential "shhhh" face which occurred in the bath, borrowing "mom-mom's eyes" to read and the one I call "Toddler against Sephora in Strawberry"
Saturday, March 14, 2009
One year ago today
A year ago today, I got the call that would forever change my life. It was a year ago today that I first laid eyes on this precious face. These are two of her referral pictures taken at 5 and 7 months. I am forever grateful.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
My baby turned three today. We celebrated with a party yesterday and while she was not feeling quite herself she had a good time. Her little friends all had a blast and I am quite humbled by all the beautiful cards, sentiments and gifts we received.
Emme is convinced she is either two or four and can't seem to settle on three yet. Today we just hung out at home, had Mickey Mouse eggs and opened gifts.