Welcome the newest member of my family. She was born on December 28th, 2006 at approximately 5:10pm. I've been waiting a long time for her and think she's a lovely addition to my family. I look forward to many happy times together and the creation of many goodies and memories.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
It's a Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, December 18, 2006
A to Z with Froggy
Snagged off Nic's page A is for age: I am 36 years old B is for Beer: Never had one and thinks it smells like urine C is for Career: Hospital Admin,Adjunct Professor, Clinician, Consultant D is for my Dog's Name: Don't have one at present; last live-in dog was Q-TIP E is for Essential Item I Use Everyday: Soap F is for Favorite T.V. Show: Law & Order SVU G is for Favorite Game: Scrabble H is for Hometown: Born in NJ, reared in NYC I is for Instruments I Play: I played the violin poorly in the fourth grade J is for Favorite Juice: Tropicana apple juice in the glass bottle K is for Whose Butt I’d Like To Kick: MWB L is for the Last Place I Ate: Cafe at work M is for Marriage: Nope, not yet N is for my Name: Lisa O is for Overnight Hospital Stays: Several P is for People I was With Today: Mom, colleauges, boss, friend and trainees Q is for Quote: "I am going to be the old woman who lived in her shoes" R is for Biggest Regret: Staying so long S is for Sport: Skiing T is for Time I Woke Up Today: Which time? U is for Current Underwear: Black boyshorts with bright stripes V is for Vegetable You Love: Sugar snap peas W is for Worst Habit: Being naieve X is for X-rays I Have Had: Too many to count! Y is for Yummy Food You Ate Today: Piece of my chocolate pecan pie Z is for Zodiac: Gemini, both of us
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Deck the Halls with Loaves of Challah
Last night was my 5th annual holiday party. I had a wonderful time with friends and it seemed a good time was had by all. The last of the partygoers left around 3am and boy was I tired! Food, drink and yummy desserts made for a great night with special thanks for all my holiday gifts. Here's to another round next year and a wonderful 2007 for everyone.
Friday, December 08, 2006
The Tale of the Secret Pal and Eight Crazy Nights
Well my Secret Pal, struck again! I was completely in awe when I opened my package to find eight Hanukkah gifts wrapped so beautifully with a card and a note telling me how she researched the holiday. I was so touched and I wanted to wait until Hanukkah and open one gift each night but like a child I couldn't wait. As always, Fortune Cookie got some wonderful gifts and somehow I am never forgotten. I got a great Frog Prince clock which I am taking to work with me as a daily reminder of how lucky I am to have such a thoughtful person in my life whom I don't even know. I truly hope one day I can meet this special person and thank her from the bottom of my heart.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Princesses on Ice
Last Sunday was Brianna's 6th birthday and since I had promised her a "girl's" day I thought she might want to go ice skating. Mind you it's been 15 or so years since I've been on the ice but I was looking foeward to the day. We went to the children's session to avoid some of the wildness at the rink but the rental kid wasn't the sharpest crayon in the box and after he gave me 12 pair of the wrong size, including men's hockey skates I had enough! I got my money back, went to the pro shop and bought myself a pair of comfort figure skates. I must say they are surely COMFORTABLE. I skated better than I did 20 years ago and BOY was I sore the next day. All in all it was a lovely day. Bri had so much fun we stayed for the next session before heading to lunch and Macy's to pick her out a birthday outfit. She chose an adorable winter sweater for herself and we found a matching one for her baby sister Tori. They were so excited to try them on, they insisted I take a picture.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Baking with Sophia
What better way than to spend a Sunday afternoon hanging out with my gal pal Carrie and her daughter Sophia baking cupcakes. We had a lot of fun and Sophia was defintely a HUGE help in the kitchen and decorator extraordinaire. Next time, I think we'll have to make cookies!
Friday, November 24, 2006
Ode to a Secret Pal
Oh Secret Pal O Mine
How your gifts make me swoon
Sometimes I sneak out of work to get them
When they're expected; often around noon
Your taste and style is just awesome
And I love how you know me so well
It's amazing to have you as my secret pal
My friends all think you're just swell
Each month is filled with anticipation
To see what goodies you have in store
I don't mean to seem so damn greedy
But all I think is, please send me more
I bet we're alike in many ways
Hopefully one day we'll meet
If not in the States, then perhaps
In China, on some random street
So I just wanted to say thank you friend
For making this wait bearable and sweet
I hope someone is as kind to you as you are
Cause as secret pals go, you just can't be beat!
(camera is charging....pics to follow of my awesome gifts received today)
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Thanks and Giving
While I am frequently reminded that I am seriously lagging in my blog efforts (thanks Nic) thought it was only fitting that I post today. Aside from the usual things such as good health, a home, a great job, family and friends, this year I have so much more to be thankful for. 13 months ago I started this amazing journey and have now been waiting 7 1/2 months for referral. Who knew that I would reap so many rewards in the process. It's an arduous task to try to explain to someone on the outside what it's been like to have so many amazing experiences at this stage of my life. I have met some of the most amazing people that I am proud to call friends for they have not only invited me into their lives but their hearts as well. While I expected to meet a few people who might be able to shed light on their experiences and the process in general, I never expected to join a sorority of sorts at 36. In many ways it's a reminder of things I missed out on in earlier years which makes the gift that much more meaningful. From my wonderful friends (you know who you are), the ALTS, to my secret pal who I believe truly goes out of her way to pick things I like; I am eternally grateful. Your kindness and generosity truly humbles me. On this day when we are reminded of being thankful, I wanted to tell you how I thankful I am for each of you. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving; today and everyday. Love, Lisa
Friday, October 06, 2006
Six Months LID
Well it's been 6 months since my LID and just about a year since I started the process and here I am. When I began back in October 2005 it was a 6 month wait from LID to referral. In any case I really have little to report but someone (I'll just look at the guilty party and whistle) keeps reminding me that my blog is in need of serious updating so here I am. What's been going on? Well I'm working 5 jobs if I include a consulting project I'm currently working on, or at least should be. I don't have a lot of time to myself to do the things I enjoy like read, sleep or shop but such is life. One day I'll be glad I took the time to work my ass off, pay off some bills and save some money, right? I think the best thing that's happened in the last year or more specifically in the past six months are the friends I've made through this incredible process. I feel truly lucky to know such great people. I won't embarrass them by naming them but they know who they are and if they don't, we have a problem. A year ago I remember being home from work on Yom Kippur like a good Jewish girl and receiving the call from my agency. The southern belle on the other end was letting me know I was approved to begin the process and I was trying to explain to her the significance of getting this information on this day and more importantly this time of year. She didn't get it. After having "met" some of the people from around the same place as where the agency is located, I can now understand why. Nuff said. Til something exciting happens..........
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Single Moms Rock
"10 reasons to date a single Mom" 1. You already know they're strong because they have to handle the responsibilities of single parenthood. 2. There is nothing like a mother. She is a woman that is responsible and focused on life. She knows what she wants out of life and will not sacrifice the happiness of her child for just any man. So, if she decides to date you, feel lucky. 3. Single moms know what they are looking for and are independent. Any man or woman can appreciate dating someone who has confidence in themselves. Face it, great moms are sexy! 4. A single mom isn't just filling time dating - she's had to make a choice to do something for herself while fulfilling the full-time responsibility of being a mom. For a man seeking a real and lasting relationship, this is ideal. 5. They appreciate quality not quantity of time. It isn't always an option to see someone everyday, so making sure the time together is of value is important. 6. Single moms are more open to long-term relationships. For single dads that are also looking for a romantic relationship, it is ideal to date someone with the same end goals. 7. They're done being a "party girl" and tend to be more selective and thoughtful in their approach to dating. With single moms, we know our romantic relationship is valued and not just part of a series of meaningless dates or something that stems from the fear of being alone. 8. You get to see how they relate to their children and how they relate to people they love. And for single dads looking for their own "play date," this also provides insight on how she might interact with our kids and her attitude about important life issues. 9. Single moms enjoy their time out more and can appreciate a simpler evening of just spending time together. People with a fun, positive attitude and outlook are always more fun to date. 10. They realize what it costs to raise a family - and don't require flashy dates. They are impressed more by substance than a big price tag both in dating and in life.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Sobering Thoughts
I've been thinking a lot about my impending adoption and how much information of Chinese culture and folklore has been altered from its original intent and meaning but possible well-intentioned AP's. However, in my quest to educate myself on Chinese culture, history and people I have to admit that I find both happiness and much sadness when people talk about what's "destined to be". I don't believe that my child was destined to be mine because in saying that, I support the notion that her mother was destined to suffer. No matter what I just can't support that or believe that. What I can do is think that I was merely sent to the right place at the right time, to make a difference in the life of a child. Saying otherwise would be untrue and I feel also disrespecting and disregarding the feelings of the women who I imagine struggle and suffer every day as they give away their children. For some information and "give it to me straight" commentary, check out this entry on Twice the Rice (blog). The author is an adult adoptee who was transracially adopted as a child. I can't say I've read her entire blog but this post hit me, enough to want to share it with others.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Sunday, August 13, 2006
China Adoption Haiku
Checking butt for worms (5) Woo, the glamour never stops (7), Parasites not cool (5)
Friday, August 04, 2006
The Sweater Lady Strikes Again
I came to work this morning, only to find out the former patient who made me the BEAUTIFUL pink sweater and hat had struck again. She made me more goodies and wanted to deliver them so she stopped by for a visit this morning with my mom, who had helped her when she was with us. Back then, they had started talking about family and mom told her she was waiting for her first granddaughter, who would also be from China. Marsha immediately made the magnificent pink sweater set and gave it to mom the next morning. She was discharged the next day and promised to come back and visit and the pictures are what she brought with her.
What you can't see in the pictures is the amazing detail. The peach/yellow sweater is short sleeved and just the softest thing. The purple has a satin ribbon tie and small lavender silk flowers weaved into the hood. The multi color one, is turquoise and HOT pink (it looks red in the photos) and has turquoise flower shaped buttons down the front. Mind you, it takes her all of a few hours to make each creation. She was just signed to do some one of a kind pieces for Henri Bendel and Saks Fifth Avenue. Thanks Marsha!!!!!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Pretty in Pink!
Ahhhh my wonderful secret pal struck again and EARLY this month. It seemed like I had just received a package from her, when another one appeared. This month I got awesome goodies as usual. My favorite color is pink and boy did I get oodles of pink things for baby. A beautiful rose satin dragonfly picture frame, a flannel crib sheet, a casting kit for baby's handprint, a bunny "lovey" and matching blankie and a very CHIC pillow to hang on the nursery door which says "Queen of the Crib". How fabulous, right? It's trimmed in white marabou and I think it's precious. I can't wait til next month!!!
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Here's to New Friends
When I began this adoption journey back in October 2005, I had many visions of pink toile, designer diaper bags and ballet classes for two. What I didn't count on was the new friends I'd meet; especially those who not only share my goal of creating my family through adoption but who also share my warped sense of humor, my values and my interests. There is a HUGE online adoption community filled with people from all walks of life and if you hit it off with a few you're lucky. Let's just say there are a lot of opinions, many facts, oodles of rumors and some downright bitchy people. Fortunately for me, I've met some great people online and live who I am better for knowing. Some I know online through mutual support groups and others I've met from other adoption related events. A few people who stand out are Steven, my friend who is adopting a great little boy in NY, Jeff and his daughter who are very cool (Jeff is a great role mode for any parent), Tara who I met at the FTIA picnic and was so warm to my family and Nicole and Tim upstate NY. Of course there's also my FTIA friends who have either adopted or are in the process like me. (hi Jen) and Jan and Tom who are waiting for TA for their son Gabriel.
While many people you meet are scattered throughout the US and abroad, I've been blessed to make some new friends who are relatively local including some of the aforementioned people. Carrie, her daughter Sophia (age 4) and their dog Phoenix have become very special to me (frogmom is hooked too!) in a relatively short period of time. I like this photo of my new friend Sophia and I at the pool. Lucky me...she spent 20 minutes jumping off the side and I had to catch her. It was a great upper body workout. Think I can convince her to let me work my arms again? We had a lot of fun at the pool which was a follow up from our water escapades in the lake the week before. Thanks mom (Carrie) for letting my post this picture! Of course Phoenix couldn't be left out of the fun, so he came for a visit too and stayed at my apartment while we were off having fun.
I can't think of a better present than the gift of friendship!
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Cape Cod
I took my first trip to Cape Cod as a baby and then later with my father during my childhood. I hadn't been back for many years and then in 1999 I rented a cottage in Hyannis and my mom and I had a blast. It started a semi-tradition although we hadn't been back since 2002. This trip marked my fourth as an adult and we always stay at a wonderful cottage community in Hyannis called Captain Gosnold Village. We did our usual antiquing, walking around Main St., time at the harbor and we even watched Babe, the movie on the village green one night. One of the funny things that happened was the day we went antiquing. We went to our usual hotspot, Warehouse # 4 in Dennis. We never figured out if #1, 2 and 3 exist but it's always a fun time. On the way there I noticed a headboard at a shop a little down the road. We went to check it out and began chatting with the shop owner Barbie, who was lovely. I purchased the fabulous find (antique wrought iron headboard) and said I'd be back to pick it up later in the week. On the return, as we were loading it into the car, Joyful, a sweet King Charles Spaniel who lives there with her companion Mr. Deeds (same breed) decided to jump into the backseat of my car. Barbie explained somewhat embaressed that Joyful had been abused and was attached to her and as a result followed her everywhere. She qucikly apologized and stated that Joyful must have thought she was leaving with us and wanted to come along. HA HA .....think again. When Barbie left to answer her phone, cute little Joyful proceeded to jump back into my car and lay down. I think she has excellent taste and wanted to come back to NY with us. Pictures of the fabulous headboard to follow but included here is a photo of JOYFUL as well as some other "Cape" pics.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Friday, July 14, 2006
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Sweater Heaven
How gorgeous is this sweater and hat? My mom who works at the hospital where I work was doing one of her rehab groups and one of the patients came over to thank her and tell her how therapeutic it was. They started talking and the woman asked if she had children? grandchildren? So make a long story short, she shared that I worked at the hospital and that she was awaiting her first granddaughter. This was at 2pm. By 9am the next day, the woman had "created" this magnificent sweater set for her to give me for "fortune cookie". Mom called me and told me I had to come to the unit right away but wouldn't tell me why. The lovely woman was discharged today but not before she took home 6 skeins of yarn and said she'll be back soon with more goodies. I am rarely shocked but I've learned that sometimes the kindness of strangers is overwhelming. For this particular patient, it is her therapy to do for others. I later learned that in the 7 weeks she spent with us, she had crocheted sweaters and other ensambles for many of the children of the various staff. Some people are truly a gift. ENJOY!!!!!
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Sunday, June 25, 2006
In a Nutshell....
A handful of folks have asked me where I've been, why I haven't been around much or been my usual "post happy" self. The short answer is I've been sick for the past few weeks and it's been a rocky road. I've been battling migraines and most recently one that's lasted 10 days so far and counting. I was given a few options; one of which was being admitted into the hospital but chose option B so this past Thursday I had some trigger point injections in my neck and head along with some steroids to try and break the cycle. None of the traditional medicines or treatments have worked so far. I don't know the cause of them yet and am still undergoing tests but it's been very painful to say the least. I'm coming off the medicine I've been on but that will take 3 weeks to wean off and in the interim I'm suffering with a constant headache. It's gone from a constant throbbing pain to a dull ache but it's there nonetheless. The doctor I'm working with has been incredibly supportive despite the fact that I've called him so many times, most recently in tears from the pain. I had an MRI yesterday and go for a sleep study and EEG as soon as I get a pre-authorization from the insurance company. So that's it in a nutshell. To those who have asked and those who have wondered where I've been, I appreciate the concern. I'm not someone who gets sick often so it's scary, especially now. Hopefully I'll be able to get this problem rectified soon and be back to my not-so-old self soon.