Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Brother can you spare a link?

I realize in the bloggy world I'm not one of the "hittest" chicks in town but have a few readers according to my obviously confused hit counter. If you are one of those people who stops by would you consider linking my post about the blog makeover raffle so maybe Danielle and I can share more than a cup of Starbucks? Like I said before, it sucks doing this in some ways. If you ever want to feel inadequate try international adoption. I'm not poor, have more than the average person but it all adds up. I THOUGHT getting Emme in Beijing was eliminating the trip to CQ but it's not. I am fine with that, it's just another place I'll get to see BUT I still have to pay for her to be transported to me and have representation from CQ. So another expense but worth it. By doing it this way my girl does NOT have to return to the SWI (long trip), readjust only to have to make another 6-8 ride by van to CQ. I'll probably have to go back to work a week earlier to swing this but isn't her emotional (and physical) well-being worth at least that much? So if you like, link me up :-)


kitchu said...

OH dang I meant to link you a while ago- will do this weekend as I just put an important post out to shout out to my niece and nephews.

Remind me by email, I'm totally happy to do it for you and can't believe I forgot!!

Blogs by Danielle said...

I've emailed a TON of people as you know. I'll be emailing links as people begin posting!

I'll make sure you get more than a cup of coffee.

Operationtigerlily said...

I linked you.

insanemommy said...

Done! Now let's raise some money so you can bring your baby home.